Top Stories
The Sisters of Notre Dame will broadcast masses this April. The full schedule and livestreams can be viewed below: Click here to…
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Sister Mary Alice Dugar, SND (June 20, 1944–March 24, 2021)
Our dear Sister Mary Alice (formerly Sister Mary St. Benedict) was welcomed into eternal life Wednesday, March 24, at 11:25 p.m. Sister was…
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JPIC Releases Statement Regarding Violence Against Asian Americans Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Statement from the SND USA Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Office regarding the violence against Asian Americans amid the COVID-19 pandemic: "The…
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JPIC Announcement Following Passing of COVID-19 Relief Bill
The Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Office released the following update: Thank you for your support! On March 11, 2021, Congress passed…
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What's Blogging Today
Many of our sisters are active online and maintain blogs about ministry and different aspects of our Catholic faith and spirituality. Click the images below to visit our blogs!